Business and government owners depend on their sewage systems to operate smoothly 24/7. Unexpected, messy sewage problems can make customers and guests sick, pollute the environment and damage reputations and brands.
Why are we still designing critical infrastructure to be installed and ignored until there is a big problem?
Why are we still designing critical infrastructure to be installed and ignored until there is a big problem?
Business and government owners depend on their sewage systems to operate smoothly 24/7. Unexpected, messy sewage problems can make customers and guests sick, pollute the environment and damage reputations and brands.
Design Smarter, More Reliable Sewage Systems That Will Keep Service Pros Informed & Provide Peace of Mind For Your Clients
SepticSitter™ is the world's best and easiest remote septic monitoring and management tool for large commercial onsite sewage systems.
Design Smarter, More Reliable Sewage Systems That Will Keep Service Pros Informed & Provide Peace of Mind For Your Clients
SepticSitter™ is the world's best and easiest remote septic monitoring and management tool for septic tanks, pump tanks, drain fields and cesspools.

Unique Insights
See how drain fields are operating and are influenced by different factors such as:

Hydraulic & Organic Loading

Effluent Quality

Soil Texture & Structure


Dosing Method

Trench Construction
What Engineers & Designers are Saying
“ Everyone I have shown this to has been totally impressed. Before I installed SepticSitter, it was very hard for me to know what was happening in between site visits. I suspected there was groundwater infiltration, but now I have proof. I can see the potential for many other applications for my customers. Great product! ”

David Meints, Meinco, Inc.
What Owners are Saying
“I’m glad my engineer recommended installing SepticSitter sensors in the drain field for our Community Care Home. I need to keep my business running smoothly, and that includes the sewage system. We are using a bit more water than was originally anticipated, but the data from the SepticSitter system have shown that our drain field is still able to handle the higher flow. I like knowing that the sensors are keeping watch and will alert my operator at the first sign of a potential problem”

Alan MacPhee
Burnside Community Care Centre

“ I am really looking forward to learning what's going on underground with our septic systems. SepticSitter will advance the state-of-the-art. "

Dwayne Doucette, P. Eng.
Parks Canada

Control Who Gets Alerts
Set multiple warning and alert levels right from any internet connected phone, tablet or computer.
Non-Contact Ultrasonic Sensors
Won't get hung up like float switches, reduced exposure of your personnel to bacteria and viruses.
Objective Proof
SepticSitter data will provide
indisputable proof of problems to
convince owners to take action.
indisputable proof of problems to
convince owners to take action.
Benefits of SepticSitter

Easy Setup
No tech expertise required! Our user-friendly interface makes it fast and easy to get your system set up on the Cloud.
Convenient, web-based monitoring
SepticSitter Hub gateway connects using the customer’s existing internet or our reliable cellular service.
Flexible Installation and Retrofit
SepticSitter is easy to install and
retrofit, to septic tanks, pump
tanks, drain fields and cesspools.
retrofit, to septic tanks, pump
tanks, drain fields and cesspools.
Benefits of SepticSitter
Control Who Gets Alerts
Set multiple warning and alert levels right from any internet connected phone, tablet or computer.
Non-Contact Ultrasonic Sensors
Won't get hung up like float switches, reduced exposure of your personnel to bacteria and viruses.
Objective Proof
SepticSitter data will provide
indisputable proof of problems to
convince owners to take action.
indisputable proof of problems to
convince owners to take action.

Easy Setup
No tech expertise required! Our user-friendly interface makes it fast and easy to get your system set up on the Cloud.
Convenient, web-based monitoring
SepticSitter Hub gateway connects using the customer’s existing internet or our reliable cellular service.
Flexible Installation and Retrofit
SepticSitter is easy to install and
retrofit, to septic tanks, pump
tanks, drain fields and cesspools.
retrofit, to septic tanks, pump
tanks, drain fields and cesspools.
SepticSitter optimizes management and provides peace of mind for owners of all kinds of onsite sewage systems...




Mobile Home Parks

Golf Course Developments

Strip Malls



Highway Rest Stops

The World's Most Flexible Non-Contact Sensors for Septic System Monitoring and Management
Conventional float switches only provide information on one level at a time, resulting in an incomplete picture. Our contact-free sonar sensors can be installed in one or all components of a septic system to provide a constant stream of reliable information - with no mess and less exposure of your personnel to bacteria and viruses.

The World's Most Flexible Non-Contact Sensors for Septic System Monitoring and Management
Conventional float switches only provide information on one level at a time, resulting in an incomplete picture. Our contact-free sonar sensors can be installed in one or all components of a septic system to provide a constant stream of reliable information - with no mess and less exposure of your personnel to bacteria and viruses.
Monitoring Applications
Find out how SepticSitter™ can be used in a variety of practical ways for your customers.
- Drain fieldS
- Pump Tanks
- septic Tanks
Drainfields, Leachfields, Beds, Trenches, Sand filters, Cesspools: Early detection and management of overloading, uneven distribution, drainfield clogging, excessive biomat formation, aging systems, and other problems. Demonstrate excess capacity, positive performance, or that upgrades/repairs are working. Document pumping and maintenance history for future property transfers.
Pump tanks, chambers, wet wells and lift stations: Detailed level monitoring, high level alarms, monitoring of pump cycles for flow monitoring, freezing problems.
Sewage Holding Tanks - Our detailed liquid level monitoring, warnings and alarms allow you to plan your pump-out routes to maximize efficiency and make sure your customers are never stuck with a full tank. Monitor daily flows, and detect potential problems such as leaking tanks or infiltration.
Prevent backups by alerting to high levels caused by drainfield overloading, clogged effluent filters, neglected maintenance and excessive water use.
SepticSitter™Monitoring Applications
Find out how SepticSitter™ can be used in a variety of practical ways to improve your customer service and your bottom line.
- Drain fields
- Pump Tanks
- Holding Tanks
- Septic tanks
Drain fields, Leachfields, Beds, Trenches, Sand filters, Cesspools: Early detection and management of overloading, uneven distribution, drainfield clogging, excessive biomat formation, aging systems, and other problems. Demonstrate excess capacity, positive performance, or that upgrades/repairs are working. Document pumping and maintenance history for future property transfers.
Pump tanks, chambers, wet wells and lift stations: Detailed level monitoring, high level alarms, monitoring of pump cycles for flow monitoring, freezing problems.
Sewage Holding Tanks - Our detailed liquid level monitoring, warnings and alarms allow you to plan your pump-out routes to maximize efficiency and make sure your customers are never stuck with a full tank. Monitor daily flows, and detect potential problems such as leaking tanks or infiltration.
Prevent backups by alerting to high levels caused by drainfield overloading, clogged effluent filters, neglected maintenance and excessive water use.
Increase Customer Retention
Sell more service contracts, prevent "shopping around", and retain more service relationships at the time of property transfer.
Unique Insights
Know what you’re dealing with before you get to the site: system overloading, leaky toilet flappers, excessive pump cycles, groundwater infiltration, clogged effluent filters, uneven distribution, freezing problems, and more.
Dedicated Pro Customer Service
From our experienced septic engineers and technicians located in North America by phone, email, or text. Plus, step-by-step installation guides, videos and world-class training for your team.
Prove Your Value Before Disaster Strikes
Take advantage of the data to provide timely interpretation and analysis so you can recommend upgrades or other proactive measures to your customers.
Dedicated, World-Class Support and Training for Septic Professionals
We offer several lines of contact to ensure the satisfaction of both you and your customers.
• Designer Support (CAD Drawings, technical support)
• Phone: 1-888-747-7635 (Toll Free)
• Email:
• FAQ:
• Phone: 1-888-747-7635 (Toll Free)
• Email:
• FAQ:

Kelly Galloway
Kelly is a Civil Engineer with 25 years experience, 20 with her own firm, Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd.
Meet the Founder
Meet the Founder

Iain Galloway
Iain is an electrical engineer with 25 years experience and co-inventor many of Dynamic Monitor’s products.
Meet the Advisory Board
Meet the Advisory Board

Rick Esselment
Advisory Board Member
Rick is the President and Founder of ESSE Canada, an industry leading water resource management firm.
Meet the Advisory Board
Meet the Advisory Board

Order SepticSitter™ Today
Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what is going on throughout your septic system.
Order SepticSitter™ Today
Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what is going on throughout your septic system.