SepticSitter keeps watch over new Clearstream system after home rental ends in costly disaster
Costly Home Rental Experience The Grants own a home in the beautiful Constance Bay area on the outskirts of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. They rented their home while working out of country for several years. Unfortunately, their tenants did not have a vested interest in ensuring the home’s septic system remained healthy. Unchecked overloading eventually resulted […]
7 years ago
Replacement drainfield working after previous septic backup
Disaster – Winter Septic Backup! Eight years ago, Mr. & Mrs. Jay of Winsloe, Prince Edward Island, Canada experienced a homeowner’s worst nightmare when they were the victims of a septic system backup into their home in the middle of winter. The drainfield was completely overloaded and saturated, so they had to resort to an […]
7 years ago
Customer Success Story: Meinco Engineering
David Meints, P.E., Meinco Engineering, Little Rock, AR “Great product, I can see many other applications for SepticSitter with my customers!” SS: Has the system provided any other useful insights or information? DM: Yes, I wasn’t aware of the role the seasonal water table played, just how impactful it was on drainfield levels. I […]
7 years ago
Real-time monitoring of shallow drainfield trenches yields surprising results
David Meints of Meinco Wastewater Inc. in Alexander, Arkansas was looking for a personal and professional challenge. The veteran onsite wastewater professional of 22 years decided to go back to school and do a Masters degree at the University of Arkansas. He wanted his research to result in new useful information that industry and government could […]
7 years ago
Testimonial: Darcie Lanthier
Having SepticSitter sensors installed in our drainfield has made us more aware of our water use in general. In addition to noticing our sewage outflows and the influence of heavy rainfall events, this increased awareness led to our finding a water leak in the house beneath the cabinets before our floors were ruined. Thank you. […]
7 years ago
Testimonial: Vince D.
I did some web searches for a septic system monitor and I found two [other] classes of systems. The first was geared to monitoring tanks of chemicals and the like. The assumption being that I would spend time to develop custom software to read the $1000 sensor and chart the data. The other was geared […]
10 years ago
Testimonial: Tim Veinot
Whenever I want to find out what is going on in the sewage world, I look to see what Kelly is doing. Nice product. Good work, Kelly. Tim Veinot, April 21, 2015, Halifax, NS
10 years ago
Testimonial: Ted Loudon
Along with you, I am strongly of the opinion that people need to know the condition of their system, especially the soil absorption system and understand when change in use habits is needed. For a long time, I have been a proponent of having inspection ports in every system. But, someone has to monitor them, […]
10 years ago